This fluorescent micrograph is part of an image group displaying the morphological changes associated with a developing oligodendrocyte. The progression of images starts with CIL:40358 where cells display a relatively bipolar morphology to CIL:40359 where the actin cytoskeleton becomes very prominent to CIL:40360 where the actin coalesces and interlinks and finally there is CIL:40361 where one can observe the formation of a flattened lamellar structure which in vitro mimics the myelin sheet.
Biological Process: Oligodendrocyte development
Rattus norvegicus oligodendrocytes purified from P2 cortex. Cells were fixed on glass coverslips with 4% PFA and immunostained with Phalloidin-FITC (green), alpha-tubulin primary ab./Rhodamine secondary ab (red), RIP (oligodendrocyte marker) primary ab/Cy5 secondary ab (blue), and DAPI (nuclear marker also in blue). Photographed using Leica DMI4000B microscope and 63x HCX PL APO OIL Objective. Voxel size 0.1um.
Author: Carmen Melendez-Vasquez
Source: The Cell: An Image Library