Toxoplasma gondii expressing EGFP tagged Tgbeta1-tubulin and TgAPR1-mCherry (TgAPR1 is a Microtubule Organizing Center protein). For GFP, ex 450-490 em 500-540; for mCherry ex 555-592 em 600-665. Images acquired using API DeltaVision on a Olympus ix70 wide-field microscope. Objective: Olympus 60X water immersion, 1.2 NA. Captured with CoolSnapHQ/ICX285. 15 images in z-series; this is the deconvolved 3D stack corresponding to raw data CIL# 10458 and stack with DIC CIL# 10461. Unpublished image similar to images published in PMID: 16518471. Also see publication for experimental details.
Biological Process: Regulation of cell shape
Author: John Murray
Source: The Cell: An Image Library