The locomotor cortex of Didinium. A longitudinal section of basal bodies and the axonemes of cilia is revealed as they emerge from the cell cortex of Didinium. Bundles of microtubules extend from the basal bodies into the endoplasm through the fibrous layer that characterizes the cortex of Didinium. Tubular or flattened early endosomes with coated pits at their margins are present in the endoplasm beneath the fibrous layer. Mitochondrial cristae appear to be decorated by F1F0 ATP synthases. Cross sections of three bacteria are noted between the cilia. TEM taken on 5/9/69 by M. Sage with Philips 300 operating at 60kV. Neg. 14,800X. Bar = 0.5?m. The negative was printed to paper and the image was scanned to Photoshop. This digitized image is available for qualitative analysis. A raw, unprocessed, high resolution version of this image (CIL:4661) is in the library and available for quantitative analysis. Standard glutaraldehyde fixation followed by osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded in an epoxy resin. Microtome sections prepared at approximately 75nm thickness. Additional information available at (
Biological Process: Ciliary cell motility, Microtubule cytoskeleton organization
Author: Richard Allen
Source: The Cell: An Image Library