Lily mitosis. A light microscope image of a cell from the endosperm of an African globe lily Haemanthus (Scadoxus) katherinae. This is one frame of a sequence that shows all phases of mitosis. The lily is considered a good organism for studying cell division because its endosperm has a liquid phase and chromosomes are thick and easier to see than human ones. Staining shows microtubules in red and chromosomes in blue. This image showing a cell in early telophase is the 10th of a grouped series that spans mitosis.
Biological Process: Mitosis
See: De Mey J, Lambert AM, Bajer AS, Moeremans M, De Brabander M. Visualization of microtubules in interphase and mitotic plant cells of Haemanthus endosperm with the immuno-gold staining method. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1982 79:1898-902.
Author: Andrew S. Bajer, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Source: The Cell: An Image Library