Time series images showing the dynamics of kinetchore microtubules during meiosis I in primary spermatocytes of the crane-fly Nephrotoma suturalis that were experimentally flattened. Time-lapse polarization microscopy using a Nikon Microphot SA, equipped for liquid crystal polarized light microscopy (LC-PolScope, CRi, Woburn Massachusetts) 60x/1.4 PlanApo oil immersion objective, 1.4 NA oil imm. condenser, with 2.0x zoom lens. Images captured every 15 sec using a QImaging Retigo EXi CCD camera. Raw images were processed using 5-frame algorithm (Shribak and Oldenbourg, 2003). A movie of the time series is included in this grouped set.
Biological Process: Male meiosis chromosome segregation
Author: Rudolf Oldenbourg
Source: The Cell: An Image Library