Conventional freeze-fractured images of DV-III membrane also suggests a transformation from a membrane with a smooth E-fracture face to one with characteristic large IMPs on its E-fracture face. The DV-III membrane resembles the lysosomal membrane which also has a moderate number of large IMPs on its E-fracture face. (For freeze-fracture study of DVs see Allen and Staehelin, J. Cell Biol. 89:9-20, 1981). TEM taken on 2/16/76 by R. Allen with JEM-100B operating at 80kV. Neg. 31,193X. Bar = 0.2?m. A print of the negative was scanned and processed in Photoshop. This image is best used for qualitative analysis. Additional information available at (
Biological Process: Digestive system process
Author: Richard Allen (University of Hawaii)
Source: The Cell: An Image Library