Grazing section through an accumulation of uncoated cupulas in the process of attachment to and fusion with a food vacuole membrane. The small round pores apparently represent early stages of fusion of cupulas with the food vacuole membrane. TEM taken on 3/7/72 by R. Allen with Hitachi HU11A operating at 75kV. Neg. 19,500X. The raw negative was scanned with an Epson Perfection V750 Pro and this high resolution image is best used for quantitative analysis. Additional information available at (
Biological Process: Golgi to vacuole transport
Standard glutaraldehyde fixation followed by osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohol and embedded in an epoxy resin. Microtome sections prepared at approximately 75nm thickness. Additional information available at (
Author: Richard Allen (University of Hawaii)
Source: The Cell: An Image Library