Prof. Andrea Frustaci (Italy)
Interview: 27th of August, 02:00 pm
University: Sapienza University of Rome
Position: Professor at the Institute of Cardiology
Personal details: Andrea Frustaci is an Italian Professor who is not only an expert in the field of cardiology but of Rome, too. He passed his A-level in Rome, finished medical school in Rome and specialized in cardiology in Rome. In between he worked as a research fellow in London and from 2000 to 2006 he was a visiting associate professor of medicine at New York Medical College.
At this year’s ESC Congress Frustaci gives several lectures of which one is about „Patients with SLE“ (systemic lupus erythematosus). As his main interests are myocarditis, cardiomyopathy and heart failure he will show the impact of SLE on the heart.
Are you interested in his fields of study or do you want to know how you can arrange such an international education? Whatever is on your mind, feel free to post a comment with your question below so that I can take them with me to the interview.