From video cassette to DVD to Blu-ray: the evolution in the world of moving pictures does not stop at DocCheck. The old DocCheck TV service is being switched off and is handing over its broadcasting slot to a new video feature directly in the Community.
1. What has changed?
2. How do I find videos on DocCheck?
3. Where can I find the videos I have uploaded to DocCheck TV in the past?
Note: If you have posted videos on behalf of a channel in the past, they will be displayed in the respective channel under "Posts" or "Activity".
4. Which kind of videos can I upload on DocCheck?
5. Which video formats are supported on DocCheck?
6. What is the maximum file size I can upload?
7. Where can I upload videos on DocCheck?
8. How can I upload and edit videos?
Here are further HowTos:
Image source: Free-Photos