There are a lot of factors that can lead to female infertility. A woman can experience problems with getting pregnant because of prolonged exposure to stress, sudden weight changes, thyroid malfunctions, and various gynecological disorders. In many cases, female infertility can be successfully treated but you should be aware of the underlying cause. In this article, we have gathered seven gynecological conditions that can lead to female infertility.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which a woman has an increased level of male hormones. This leads to the development of multiple cysts on the ovaries. As a result, ovaries can't release the egg a woman can't conceive. Other symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome include weight gain, increased body hair growth, male-pattern baldness, irregular periods, and acne.
Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when the inner lining of the uterus called the endometrium grows on the pelvic organs and attaches them to each other. When endometrial tissue grows on the ovaries and fallopian tubes, the egg can't be released and/or fertilized. Some women with endometriosis don't have any symptoms while in others, this condition can manifest through severe periods, pelvic pain, lower back pain, vaginal bleeding between periods, and pain during sex.
Cervical stenosis is a condition in which the cervix (a lower tube-shaped part of the uterus) becomes narrow or completely blocked. The most common causes of cervical stenosis include:
Cervical cancer
Surgery that involves the cervix
Endometrial ablation
Radiation therapy to treat cervical cancer or endometrial cancer
Many women with a narrowed cervical canal don't experience any severe symptoms. However, a blocked cervix can lead to severe pain during periods and Infertility.
Pelvic inflammatory disease is a condition in which pelvic organs become inflamed due to untreated infections like bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease usually include fever, abnormal vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell, severe periods, pelvic pain, and pain during sex. Since inflammation in the pelvic organs can lead to the development of adhesions, a woman can experience infertility due to the blockage of the fallopian tubes. Regular visits to a primary health care clinic for STD testing can help prevent the development of this condition.
Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that occur in the uterus. In most cases, uterine fibroids are asymptomatic and don't affect female reproductive health. However, they can grow large or occur near the fallopian tubes and block them. As a result, the sperm can't reach the egg for fertilization. Some women with uterine fibroids can still experience pelvic pressure, pelvic pain, heavy blood flow during periods, pain during sex, and vagina bleeding between periods.
Uterine and cervical polyps are growths that occur on the uterine walls or cervical canal. Polyps that grow near the fallopian tubes can also block them while cervical polyps can block the passway in the cervix. In most cases, uterine polyps are non-cancerous and asymptomatic. However, some women can develop cancerous polyps or experience pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding between periods, and pain during sex.
Premature ovarian failure (primary ovarian insufficiency) is a condition in which the ovaries stop producing eggs before menopause. Women with premature ovarian failure can't get pregnant since their ovaries don't work. Symptoms of this condition can include menopausal symptoms like insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, weight changes, and vaginal dryness. Unfortunately, premature ovarian failure is incurable and treatment options are aimed at managing some symptoms.