CVD risk profiles in secondary prevention have failed to improve over the last two decades, according to recent studies. How come and what can we do about it?
In an analysis of medical information of American adults with a history of cardiovascular disease (CVD), researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine conclude that CVD risk profiles in secondary prevention have failed to improve over the last two decades. They evaluated trends in cardiovascular risk factor profiles among 6,335 U.S. adults from data gathered by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1999–2018. About 50 % of participants were male, with an average age of 64.5, and 13 % of them were Black, 10 % were Hispanic and 3 % were Asian.
Despite recent advancements in safe and effective therapies reflected in guideline recommendations, trends in CVD risk profiles in adults with the condition were not ideal from 1999 through 2018. An ideal risk profile is based on targets that health professionals agree to be considered desirable. The study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Risk-factor profiles analyzed included blood glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, smoking, physical activity and diet. All factors showed a worsening or unchanged trend, except for cholesterol, which showed a modest improvement. However, only 30 % of adults with CVD had an ideal cholesterol profile in 2015–2018. “We’re not really moving the needle on these risk factors, and that’s leaving a lot of people at risk for recurrent events,” says corresponding author of the study, Seth S. Martin, M.D., M.H.S., associate professor of medicine in the division of cardiology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He called for “re-engineering preventive care.”
“Our numbers are disappointing and alarming,” says co-first author of the study Yumin Gao, Sc.M., premedical student and biostatistician at the Johns Hopkins Digital Health Innovation Lab. “Our study shows that there remains a critical need and opportunity to effectively translate established guidelines into patient care,” says co-first author of the study Nino Isakadze, M.D., M.H.S., Cardiac Electrophysiology Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. “We have to get innovative about how to reach diverse groups of patients, and to improve secondary prevention in everyone with cardiovascular disease.”
The study also revealed persistent racial and ethnic disparities in heart-related health. Isakadze says access to healthcare, patient education and affordability of medications are likely the main drivers of disparities seen in high-risk populations.
The researchers cautioned that their study had some built-in caveats, including the fact that the history of CVD was self-reported, and therefore might have missed identifying some individuals with the condition.
“We’re really good at hospital-based care, but our health system needs to improve in an optimal way to deliver preventive care as patients navigate the transition from the hospital to the home, and then long-term chronic care,” says Martin. “That’s where we think technology can help fill gaps seen with traditional episodic care, because it could be something that lives in our patient’s hands and on their wrists, enabling a deeper understanding of their condition and facilitating more continuous and active engagement in preventive care outside the doctor’s office at home and in the community.”
Martin adds it can’t be up to technology alone. The team believes it’s going to take the collaborative creativity of multiple stakeholders to continue efforts to redesign health systems and reimbursement, and health care professionals around the world to further develop fresh approaches to health care delivery and public health education to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities, and improve implementation prevention guideline recommendations.
This article is based on a press release by Johns Hopkins Medicine. You can find the original publication here and by following the link in our text.
Image source: Katarzyna Kos, unsplash