Bowen's Disease in a 81-year old female patient
Bowen's disease is an intraepidermial caricinoma in situ of the skin. Commonly those over 40 years are afflicted by bowenoid precancerous lesions. Worldwide more women than men are affected , skin type does not appear to play a role in developing the disease. Bowenoid precancerous lesions are more uncommon than actinic keratosis.
The skin lesions in bowen's disease are resemble those in psoriasis and nummular eczema. Macroscopically the lesions are well demarcated grotesquely formed erythematous squamous and partially keratotic. Bowen's disease can occur in every part of the body but the prevalence is in sun exposed regions as the face, trunk, hands and lower legs. Characteristically the lesions are solitary and persistent.(originator of picture : Klaus D. Peter, city of Gummersbach)