We expect grey matter in the spinal cord = pericaria, posterior horn/Cornu posterius (Substantia gelatinosa, base with Ncl. proprius) anterior horn/Cornu anterius (motoneurons); white matter (color: myelin):posterior columns/Funiculi posteriores (medial: epicritics), lateral columns/Funiculi laterales, anterior column/Funiculi anteriores, partly the lteral horn/Cornu laterale, substantia intermedia/Lissauers tract (nociceptive fibres from the dorsal root → protopathics), substantia spongiosa (Ncl. Posteromarginalis, nociceptive), Fissura mediana anterior, Pia mater spinalis = leptomeninx, central canal in the Substantia gelatinosa centralis (Substantia intermedia), isoprismatic ependym cells, Reissnerscher thread, glia cells: astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, entrance site of the sinal nerve, ergastoplasm visible in Nissl stain → not present in the axon(hill), neuropil?