The name Rhombencephalon (hindbrain) includes the Myelencephalon (Medulla oblongata) and the Metencephalon (Cerebellum and Pons).
The rhomboid fossa (Fossa rhomboidea), that is connected to the inner ventricle system of the brain via the Aequeductus mesencephali and is also connected to the outer subarachnoid space, runs through the Rhombencaphalon.
Dorsally the posterior funiculi of the spinal cord end in the Tuberculum gracile and in the Tuberculum cuneatum. They contain the Nucleus gracilis and the Nucleus cuneatus where the nerve fibres for epicritical sensibility end.
Ventrally there are the pyramids that are formed by the fibres of the pyramidal funiculi. Below them the pyramid crossing (Decussatio pyramidum) is visible.
Laterally from the pyramids there are the olivary bodies. They contain important nuclei for the coordination of small movements.
Between pyramids and olivary bodies the Nervus hypoglossus (XIIth cranial nerve) exits.
Ventrally median the groove of the Fissura mediana anterior medullae oblongatae is visible.