(after pathologist Friedrich Albert von Zenker 1825-1898)The Zenker's diverticulum, also called pharyngoesophageal diverticulum, is a diverticulum of the pharynx, located between hypopharynx and the vertebral coloumn. It herniates at the Killian's triangle and is a so-called false-diverticulum (pseudo-diverticulum).The Zenker's diverticulum causes dysfunction at the passage of the pharyngo-esophageal transition. Affected patients often complain about dysphagia.Furthermore patients often report to have regurgitation an the need to choke eaten food. After an increase in size of the diverticulum it comes to a globe-like feeling in the throat. Sometimes halitoses is reported from patients.cp. Zenker's diverticulum (endoscopic video)