Multiple myeloma is a non-hodgkin's lymphoma of the B-lymphocytes. It derives from malignantly transformed plasma cells. Frequently, symptom classification of plasmocytoma is difficult. Possible combinations of symptoms are:
If timely diagnosis is delayed for different reasons, the untreated disease might possibly only be diagnosed when multiple complications become apparent:
Usually, complications are consequences of...
Patients with multiple myeloma are at an increased risk of developing further malignant neoplasias; the risk for developing AML is particularly high. Rarely, multiple myeloma transgresses into plasma cell leukemia with aggressive progression and poor prognosis.
60 male - history withheld.
This patient has known established multiple myeloma with extensive and progressive disease. MRI demonstrates complete replacement of his vertebral bone marrow, with it appearing of lower intensity that skeletal muscle.
It is interesting to note the vertebral haemangioma in the posterior part of a mid thoracic vertebra and bone marrow oedema in the marrow adjacent to the disc level below. Case Multiple myeloma - spine of Dr Frank Gaillard,