Perforated small bowel diverticulitis with extensive diverticulosis. The perforation of small bowel diverticulitis is a very rare cause of acute abdomen. The symptoms diverticulitis of small intestine manifests with are typical for other causes like impaction, appendicitis or cholecystitis. During surgical exploration of the abdomen the diverticula appearead as purulent, chicken egg sized laesions on a 50 cm long part of the small intestine. The affected segments were resected and no further diverticula were found in the sigmoid. The literature shows that only the CT scan of the abdomen has a certain value in preoperative diagnosis of small bowel diverticulitis. Therefore, it is important to keep small bowel diverticulitis in mind as a rare cause of acute abdomen in order to be able to treat the patient quickly. We have so far operated three cases of small bowel diverticulitis, documented and published together with Prof. Reith in Constance:POLSKIPRZEGLAD CHIRURGICZNY2007, 79, 5, 385-388"Diverticulitis OF THE SMALL BOWEL"